Advocacy is at the heart of every PTA!


Engage in Advocacy

Attend a Leota PTSA General Meeting: Next meeting is Wednesday, October 27th, 2021 at 6:30PM.

Attend a School Board Meeting! Usually held on the second Monday of the month at 4pm and the fourth Monday at 7pm. Click here for more info.

Contact your state legislators! Find and contact your local Washington State Legislators at

Attend FOCUS WEEK January 17th-21st, 2022! This is our opportunity for parents and students to directly speak to legislators! (Click here for more info!)

Sign up for Action Alerts! Sign up for advocacy information and action alerts through the WSPTA Action Network Group. These action alerts are quick, easy ways to communicate with legislators on topics they are actively working on and a great way to make your voice heard!



Don't Forget to Vote!

Voter RegistrationRegister to Vote at

Are you registered for the next election? Register to vote (or update your voter registration) with the Washington Secretary of State at

Online and mail registrations must be received 8 days before Election Day. Register to vote in person during business hours and any time before 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.
Upcoming Election Dates for 2021
  • General Election - November 2nd


 Upcoming Election Dates for 2022 

  • Special Election - February 8th
  • Special Election - April 26th
  • Primary - August 2nd
  • General Election - November 8th




WA State PTA Legislative Assembly

WSPTA is one of the only state PTAs that is truly grassroots – our advocacy positions come from you, our members. Members have submitted new resolutions, legislative principles, and issues, and it is important that members have the opportunity to amend, debate and vote on which become positions of WSPTA. Voting delegates will adopt new positions, the two-year legislative platform and top 5 legislative priorities.


Are you interested in advocacy? Then join Leota PTSA leaders, along with delegates from across WA State, at Washington State PTA's 43rd Annual Legislative Assembly. The 2021 WSPTA Legislative Assembly will be held virtually October 23rd-24th.
At legislative assembly, you will discover the power PTA has to advocate for every child – the whole child – regardless of race, creed, gender, or zip code. In PTA, every member has an equal voice, and your input matters a great deal to the success of our member-driven platform.
Students can be involved too! WSPTA's Legislative Assembly is perfect for students that would like to participate in learning about the legislative process.
If you are interested in learning more about how you or your student can participate in this year's legislative assembly, email

Click here to read a recap of the Issues, Resolutions, & Principals that were voted on and added to our platform during the 2020 Legislative Assembly.

Information and details about Washington State PTA’s full legislative platform can be found on their website:





FOCUS WEEK - January 17-21, 2022 

This year the annual PTA Advocacy Focus Day will be held on Monday, January 17th, 2022 with Focus on Advocacy Week continuing through the 21st. More details coming soon!

Learn more about the WSPTA legislative priorities:




Check out the image below from WSPTA to learn more about how PTA is putting Equity at the Center of Everything We Do with our 2020-2022 Legislative Priorities.


Local Advocacy Representatives

Leota Middle School PTSA: Rachel Fitzgerald

Northshore Council PTSA: Diana Christiansen & Jennifer Drury

Region 6 PTA: Heidi Bennett

WA State PTA: Lizzy Sebring



School Board Meetings 

All residents are welcome to attend regular board meetings. The board provides a public comment period at the beginning of each meeting. During public comments, individuals may address the school board. Those interested in speaking should sign up prior to the meeting on a sheet available at the back of the board room. Meetings are usually held on the second Monday of the month at 4pm and the fourth Monday at 7pm.


COVID-19 Update: Until further notice, meetings will be held in person with COVID-19 safety protocols in place. In accordance with WA State health order 20-03.4, face coverings are required. To learn about attending a meeting and providing public comments, visit NSD's Attend a School Board Meeting page. (update: 8/30/2021) 




2017 – 2022 Northshore School District Strategic Plan


Several hundred stakeholders participated in the development of this community-wide strategic plan, including students, parents, and caregivers, educators, community members, members of the Board of Education, and leaders from local government, business, higher education and community-based organizations. Therefore, everyone has a stake in its promise and a role in its successful implementation. The plan consists of three key components: NSD’s Goals and Measures for learning, growth, and excellence for every student; The Four Building Blocks & Professional Practices that anchor effective instruction in every school and every classroom, every day; The Educational Strategies that will sustain an equitable, high-trust, responsive, and continuous learning culture, thereby ensuring that each student meets or exceeds high standards of academic and social-emotional success.
Review the Strategic Plan here.



COVID-19 Information for Schools 


Northshore School District COVID-19 Resources:


OSPI Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance & Resources for families:



Helpful Links

Washington State PTA Region 6:

Northshore Council PTSA 6.10:

Washington State PTA Advocacy Site:

WSPTA Grassroots Connection Blog:

National PTA Advocacy Site:

National PTA Advocacy Toolkit:

Northshore School District: School Board Contacts:

Washington State Legislature

Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI):
Chris Reykdal, Superintendent (elected position)

Ask OSPI a question:


Updated 8.30.2021